9.30- 9.40: Inauguration lamp lighting, Prof Ramjee Prasad, Prof. Samiran Panda, Prof Deepak Agarwal, Dr. Shyam Chakraborty and all participants
9.40- 9.50: Prof. Ramjee Prasad:, inauguration speech
9.50- 10.00: Shyam Chakraborty,“Digital Health: ushering evidence based medicine “
10.00- 10.30: Keynote speech by Prof. Deepak Agarwal: ‘Digital health in remote trauma care”
10.30- 11.00: Tea break
11.00- 11.40: Plenary speech: Prof Samiran Panda:“Digital Health: reflections around definition, innovations and empowerment”
11.40- 12.05: Student presentation: Mr. Ankit Rai IIT Roorkee, “ Clinical knowledge representation with PICO-KG framework’
12.05- 12.30: Digital poster: Dr. Shabnam Das Kar: "Navigating the Digital Health ecosystem : a physician's perspective"
12.30- 12.55: Radiology presentation: Dr. Sonal Mahalwar:“Foot and ankle imaging “
12.55- 13.05: Short break
13.05- 13.30: Invited talk: Dr. Vidur Mahajan: “Radiology automation with artificial intelligence “
13.30- 14.10: Lunch
14.10- 14.35: Dr. Tamalika Chaira, “Effects of fuzzy and advanced fuzzy sets in clustering mammogram images- a review”
14.35- 15.00: Dr. Shyam Chakraborty: “Digital Health in Finland: experiences from the user point of view”
15.00- 15.30: Tea break
15.30- 16.00: Customer experience: Mr. Devendra Prasad: “Issues with elderly care at the outskirts of Delhi”
16.00- 16.30: Security: Prof. Subhashis Banerjee: “Security in cloud services for digital health”
16.30: Workshop conclusion and vote of thanks